Tuesday, November 24, 2009

........and I can't find my way home

Two days of hitchhiking and Jonathan might be further from home than when he started. He hiked his final stretch on Sunday, slept in the final shelter of this journey, and then headed off the trail to Route 50 on Monday morning. Though he has experienced the kindness of strangers, he's not making any progress towards home. The waitresses in a small cafe were eager to hear his story and then not only refused to let him pay for his meal, but insisted he take $5 as well. At another point in the day, when he left his backpack outside to go in somewhere for coffee, he returned to his pack to find that someone had placed a $10 bill on top of it. He was able to hitch just two very short rides on Route 50; traffic was extremely light and didn't hold much promise so he rerouted himself to the expressway with the third ride. Late last night in the pouring rain, he was saved from his plight by some former hikers who offered him shelter in their home for the night. They returned him to his hitching location this morning and he continued his fishing expedition, now with a sign that reads, Cincinnati for Thanksgiving, in the hopes that someone would feel more kindly towards him. He had gotten two rides by the time he talked to Madeline early this evening from a truck stop in Bedford, PA looking for that big ride to take him home. When Madeline asked him if he'd like to be picked up, he said he just might, but not yet. He'll let us know.
~ Amy and Madeline

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